The Christmas season at Saint John's
The weeks of Advent and the holiday season bring lots of activities, events, and beloved traditions.
Advent - a season of hopeful waiting, joyful community, and time reflecting on family and faith - is a special time at Saint John's High School. As the days get colder, Saint John's feels warmer, from Founder's Day celebrations to the family-filled Christmas Tree Lighting.
In recognition of the season of Advent, Saint John's is sharing weekly reflections with the school community. Dean of Students Carlton Galligan composed prayers and reflections, which can be found
Founder's Day - Celebrating our roots
Saint John's celebrated the Feast of St. Francis Xavier on Friday, December 2, 2016, along with the twelve other Xaverian Brothers Sponsored schools in the United States, and with all XBSS schools in Kenya and Congo.
The Theodore James Ryken Award is bestowed every Founder’s Day by each Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School upon a member of its faculty or staff who strives to live out the cornerstones of the Xaverian philosophy, to participate in the school’s community of faith and nurture members of its community. This year's Ryken Award winner is Grounds Manager
Steve Stinson, who has dedicated himself to Saint John's for nearly four decades.
More Founders Day pictures:
Holiday Ensemble Concert
2016 Holiday Ensemble Concert featured many talented student musicians and singers. The Saint John's Chorus performed several Christmas classics and featured soloist
Kepei Lei '17. Guitar, Jazz, and String Ensembles showcased a wide range of student talent, directed by Jim McCluskey. Richard Monroe led the acapella group in
Blue Christmas, and
Malcom Patel '18 was the baritone soloist. Concert band and Symphonic Concert Band closed out this wonderful showcase of the hard work and talent of many talented artists and musicians.
Christmas Tree Lighting & Santa visitFamilies and friends of Saint John's helped light the Christmas tree on the green space this Sunday following the concert. The many families and students gathered in the cold got a surprise from Santa in the Salem Student Commons.
Browse pictures of this new favorite tradition.
