Dr. Ruth Potee Presentation

Conal Hall - Coaches Pavilion - GYM
Dr. Ruth Potee Presents "Vaping, Marijuana & the Effects on the Adolescent Brain"

Please join us for a speaking presentation on the topic of vaping and marijuana by Dr. Ruth Potee. The event will be held on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM on the campus of Saint John's High School located at 378 Main Street in Shrewsbury, MA.

Dr. Potee gives thoughtful, well researched talks on addiction, substance use, and the development of the teenage brain to audiences of parents, students, medical professionals, teachers, school counselors, emergency medical workers, courthouse staff, law enforcement, correctional officers, and the general public. Each of Dr. Potee's presentations is tailored to the audience, so for the purpose of this presentation she will be speaking most specifically to the issue of vaping and marijuana.

The presentation is free of charge and open to the general public. We encourage not only Saint John's students and their families to attend, but also the greater community, as well.

Register Today!