Wednesday, January 8, 2019

Good morning Saint John’s students, faculty and staff.  Let us pause in our day to pray. We pray for this week’s Kairos Retreat. May retreatants’ have the humility and trust to be open to the retreat, and may it be a transformative experience for each participant.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, 
You told the apostles to retire to a desert place and rest awhile.
As our students follow this example,
Grant that they may obtain all the fruits that they can from this retreat.
Enable them to make the retreat in union with you,
To know themselves better and get closer to you.
Help them to listen attentively, to ponder prayerfully, and to speak wisely.
Let them emerge from this spiritual renewal with a deeper sense of brotherhood and better equipped to advance along the path that you have laid out for them. Amen.
Thank you and have a great day!