Monday, January 13, 2020

Good morning Saint Johns students, faculty and staff. Let us pause in our day to pray. Today, the Gospel reading takes place at one of Jesus’ favorite sites; he was walking along the shore of the beautiful Sea of Galilee. After Jesus declared his kingdom is at hand and upon calling Simon and Andrew to follow him, Jesus kept “casting his net” inviting James and John. 
Let us ask ourselves - Do I cast a wide enough net that is inviting, and open to the entire kingdom of God?  Am I willing to let go of my preconceived notions and trepidations to get out of my comfort zone to engage with those outside of my immediate communal circles?
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Dear Lord, help me to engage far and deep in your kingdom on earth.  Help me to intentionally reach out to the stranger, the foreigner, the outcast, and the other, and willing to stretch my net to the fullest.  Help me to appreciate the diverse gifts the Holy Spirit brings. Help me to truly make them my brothers and sisters in and through you. Amen.
Thank you and have a joyous day.