Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Good morning Saint John’s students, faculty and staff.  Let us pause in our day to pray. In today’s reading, we see God calling young Samuel. He was able to recognize this voice of God through Eli, his mentor. Sometimes we may not recognize the persistent call of God to us in ordinary time and in the midst of our ordinary lives.  Often it may be through something we read or a piece of music, a homily at Mass, discerning clarity through Eucharist, a spiritual director’s insightful question or dear friend’s keen listening ear. Let us keep our eyes, ears, and heart open to listen to God’s continual knocking at the walls of our hearts, minds, and spirits. 
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Dear Lord, here I am.  Like Samuel, I, too, maybe sleeping in my life- distracted and busy, listening to all manner of external noise and finding it hard to focus on the life I truly desire, grounded in your love and life.  Dear Lord, please don’t give up on me! Like Samuel, I ask you to keep reaching out and calling my name through the people and experiences you place in my life. Lord, thank you for all of the “Elis” you have given to me, those faithful companions who can hear your voice and see your work in my life- sometimes before I am able to recognize you myself. 
Thank you, Lord, for all of the ways your love for me brings you back to me with new invitations and urgent callings to let you in deeper into my life and heart.  Thank you, Lord, for the many ways you bless me through your people, the beauty of your creation, and through the rich living of the joys and sorrows of walking with you each day.
Speak, Lord, for I am listening.  Here I am, Lord.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Thank you and have a wonderful day. 