TRYOUTS – Health Form Requirements
All Student-Athletes must use the Magnus Health Portal (located via the Saint John’s Parents’ Resource Page) to download all Tryout Health Requirement Forms.
Annual Physical Form
All Students must submit a valid Annual Physical Report before they can try out.
Physicals are valid for 13 months after the Physical Examination Date.
Concussion Awareness Training Form
All Students must take the required Concussion Awareness course before they can try out.
To ensure continued safety for all students participating in Athletics at the high school level, the state of Massachusetts, along with the MIAA, have recently mandated that all student-athletes, as well as parents, must participate in the National Federation of State High School Association’s Concussion Awareness program.
This program consists of online courses. Students must take the "Concussion for Students" course while a Parent must take the “Concussion in Sports” course. There is a corresponding exam for each course. These courses can be found at and are free. All Students and a Parent/Guardian will be required to participate in these online courses. The student and a parent should create their own separate accounts to secure certificates in their own name.
No student will be allowed to participate in any Athletic practice, scrimmage, or game at Saint John’s High School without downloading both his and a Parent/Guardian’s Certificate of Course Completion to the Magnus Health Portal.
Pre-Participation Concussion Form
All Students must complete a Pre-Participation Concussion form before the start of every Athletic season for which they plan to participate.
In keeping with the requirements set forth in the Massachusetts 105 CMR 201.000, this form (available on Magnus Health Portal) must be completed by a student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Thank you to all for following these important steps. Your patience is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing your student at Tryouts.