December 16 2015

Blessed Honoratus Kozminski
December 16th
Good morning, St. John’s students, faculty, and staff. Let us pause in our day to pray with Blessed Honoratus Kozminski on his feast day.
We lift up all those discerning religious life, as Kozminski established over 25 male and female religious congregations in Poland. We pray that they are able to hear clearly the voice of God in their life, and that they have the courage to listen.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.
Gracious God, we pray to you today in thanksgiving for all you have given to us.
May we learn to be generous with our blessings and care for those in our communities who are in need.
As Kozminski lived a life of discipleship to you, let us take from his example and foster loving personal relationships with our family and friends, especially during the holiday season.
We ask all this through Christ our Lord,